Friday, August 28, 2009

If You're On The Fraud Blog...

If you were targeted on Ullja's blog and haven't been cleared here yet, you can help us out in our investigations by moseying on over to and filling out the contact form there with information pertinent to your case, including any personal words you'd like posted here.

Your help is greatly appreciated. In the meantime, we'll be working through the fraud posts as fast as we can.


  1. I just got hit by her today as well! I can't believe that this is someone's full time job! I can't see where I've ever sold to her. 98% of my sales are out of state or out of countre and state clearly "out of state/country sale - no sales tax charged." For the small remainder of the sales that are actually in Texas itused to be stated "Sales tax included in item price," and my CPA would handle state & business tax. Now that in-state sales have slowly been picking up I have changed the Texas charges to taxed and plan to re-activate my state Tax ID. It has simply been inactive since 2006 due to out of state sales only.

    Thank you all for helping with this matter and for starting this seemingly endless blog & endeavour!

    Thanks! Leslie

  2. PreciousBeads4You was also tagged as a fraud... this is such a lie. I know her personally and she has even stayed in my house as a guest during the holidays. I dare anyone to show proof of her being anything other than a very honest woman and friend. How dare they!

  3. I've finished my interview with PreciousBeads4You and am satisfied that the parties involved are not committing fraud of any kind (except Ullja, for misuse of public resources to satisfy a personal vendetta). I've posted an update.

    I would like to personally thank all the artisans who have contacted me and provided information and evidence about their taxes and license compliance! It is abundantly clear that Ullja does not do any research whatsoever!
